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Supporting employees as whole people is the key to long-term, sustainable business success. Creating a Whole-Person Workplace helps you attract the best talent, who then want to stay, become increasingly engaged, and then treat your customers as whole people as well.

Whether you are a leader, supervisor, team leader or HR professional, The Whole-Person Workplace will help you develop ways to support your employees with the full range of their work-life challenges. This book will help you think about flexibility, work-from home, parental leave, child-care, elder-care, wellness programs, educational benefits, vacation time, support for volunteerism, compensation & benefits, employee orientation, and workplace culture in new ways- and provide actionable advice for getting started custom-fit solutions for your business and employees.

Informed by research and practice, and the voices of over four dozen business leaders interviewed during the height of the Covid pandemic, best-selling author Scott Behson will help you build a better workplace that works for everyone.

"The resource for workplace success in

the post-Covid work world"


"The Whole-Person Workplace is both timeless and timely. Highly recommended for CEOs, HR professionals, and any manager looking to attract, engage and retain first-rate talent."

—Dave Bolotsky, CEO of Uncommon Goods


"Supporting employees during all the challenges in their lives is a crucial challenge for employers today, and The Whole-Person Workplace is a friendly, smart, practical guide for leaders and employers of all sizes."

—G. Brint Ryan, CEO of Ryan, LLC


​"Many employers are struggling to adapt to a new post-Covid normal, and this book provides ideas and insights that will help them adjust to the future of work."

—Steve Nguyen, Vice President, Citrix


"Talk about timely... The Whole Person Workplace offers ideas that will help employers right now."

—Brad Harrington, Executive Director, Boston College Center for Work & Family


"Provides critical insights to help leaders develop cultures and teams that support long-term success."

—Sara Sutton, Founder and CEO of Flexjobs


"A gold mine of actionable insights that any organization can implement and benefit from immediately."

—J. Bruce Tracey, Cornell University


"A must-read for today’s business leader. Would make a smart addition to any MBA curriculum."

—Ron Friedman, author of  Decoding Greatness

Additional Book Information and Resources


Whole-Person Workplace Newsletter

This newletter provides information, advice, and inspiring stories to help you build a better workplace that works for everyone. Supporting employees with their work-life challenges leads to sustainable success for employees and the bottom line. 


Whole-Person Workplace Videos on YouTube

Check out my series of Whole-Person Workplace videos. 2 minutes of advice from the book and current events to help you build a better workplace that works for everyone. New videos about every 2 weeks.


Book Excerpts

"I love my job... Here's my resignation"

Building your culture by supporting employee desire to volunteer

At $1200, who wouldn't buy this for their business?

Other Media in Support of the Book

Including interviews, articles based on the book, podcasts, and appearances on televison and radio.


© 2020 by Scott Behson

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