I was happy to be asked to join a panel of experts and parents on HuffPost Live for a half-hour live show, “Leaning Together,” about Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” and Lisa Belkin’s article about how, in order for women to “Lean In” to careers, men have to do more at home.
A screencap of my 3/19/13 appearance on Huff Post Live!
The segment originally aired Wednesday afternoon, but you can watch it here at your leisure. http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/sheryl-sandberg-lean-in-housework/514681e42b8c2a44010002a2 (please follow the link, stupid WordPress doesn’t embed video very well)
It was a great discussion about careers, gender, and the division of paid and household work between couples. I defend men as more involved than they are often given credit for, and emphasize the importance of discussing your priorities and career goals with your spouse, and acting like a true team in order to support each other.
I’m really happy that fathers’ issues are being discussed more and more and are finally getting the attention they deserve. We are all better off when families work well, and we can’t keep treating “family issues” as only “a woman’s issue.” After all, we’re all in this together.
Another screencap
If you liked this, also check out my other recent media appearances (a few short quotes on NPR’s Morning Edition and a longer interview on Miami News/Talk AM610 Radio). King of all media!
So, what do you think about the HuffPost Live segment?