One of the more rewarding aspects of starting a blog about fatherhood is consistently reading other related blogs and connecting with their authors.
Today, I’d like to highlight one of my favorite fatherhood bloggers- Jeff, who runs the blog, Ay yo, Be a Father!. His blog is an entertaining, well-written and thought-provoking- I highly recommend following the blog (I especially liked his post, Score another one for the mama).

In blogging, as well as in life, you gotta have friends!
However, it is more the blogger himself, rather than his blog, that I’d like to highlight. Jeff was the first fatherblogger to stumble upon FWF in its infancy. He reached out initially by making thoughtful comments on the blog and eventually through email. In the early days of FWF, Jeff offered me needed positive encouragement while demonstrating the importance of reaching out to fellow fatherbloggers. From the man himself:
“I think fatherhood is the ultimate bonding opportunity for men, at least for those who are fortunate enough to experience it. I don’t know whether to call it a club or a fraternity or whatever, but there’s something bonding about fatherhood”
Jeff role-modeled for me the fact that those of us blogging about fatherhood are doing so in order to share experiences, create community, and offer virtual spaces for dads to come together. We’re not trying to cash in (at least most of us aren’t), and our blogs aren’t competitors as much as they are helpful neighbors.
When I moved onto the fatherblogger block, Jeff was the first neighbor to come with a fruit basket. For that, I will always be grateful.
PS- watch this space for a guest post from Jeff sometime in the new year.
PPS- we are now up to 88 (and counting) blog followers!! Help me reach the goal of 100 by the end of the year. I am donating $2 to the National Fatherhood Initiative for every new follower; I will double the donation to $400 if we reach the goal. Spread the word!
I’ll be back on Monday with the 4th and final article in my series on Negotiating for Work Flexibility (which means you still have time to catch up on parts 1-3). Have a great weekend, everybody!