I hope Santa gets you everything on this Christmas List for Working Dads
As 2016 winds down, here’s my Christmas List for Working Dads:
All I want for Christmas is…
That you all have a restful and fun day with those you love on Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s, or any other holiday event you celebrate
That those in your family recognize how hard you work at work to provide and how hard you work at home to be a great dad
That your boss and coworkers value you as a whole person, including your important role as a father, and provide you with the support you need
That your work-family juggle can be a bit easier and less stressful (Did you hear there’s a great book of advice and encouragement for just this very purpose? It would make a great gift for you or any dad in your life!)
That we can double (triple!?) the number of employers that offer paid paternity leave (right now we’re at about 18%)
That, in 2017, we get a surprise breakthrough on public policy regarding parental leave
That no one calls you “Mr. Mom” or asks if you “are babysitting?” when you are out with your kids or holding down the fort at home
That we can find one extra hour a week to spend with those we love
That we can find one extra hour a week to take care of ourselves with quiet time, exercise or social time
Another year in which fathers are valued for all we do
That, in 2017, we can all more closely fulfill our aspiration to be highly involved, loving dads
That we can keep this important conversation going for 2017 and beyond and continue to see progress both in our own lives and in society
I also want to thank you for your support and friendship this past year. See you in 2017!