Two years ago, a wise friend told me, “If you want to start writing a book in two years, start a blog now.” Following her advice has changed my life.

This blog has opened so many doors for me, and given me the opportunity to engage all of you in an important conversation about work-family issues for fathers. Thanks to your support of this blog, I have been able to write at some of the most prestigious outlets in the country- Time, Harvard Business Review, the Wall Street Journal. I’ve seen my name in Esquire and the Atlantic. I’ve done national TV and radio (I’m especially proud to have appeared on both MSNBC and Fox News!). I’ve become a member of the fraternity of Dad Bloggers- a peer support network which I greatly value. I’ve even been to the White House, where I moderated a panel of executives from forward-thinking companies. What a gift you have all given me, especially over this past year!
I’ve already received more from this blog (and you) than I ever expected. I consider myself incredibly fortunate.
But, I am very happy to announce that, just a few weeks ago (and just about two years after starting the blog), I signed the contract to write my first book. Please look for The Working Dad’s Survival Guide: How to Succeed at Work and at Home at booksellers in time for Father’s Day. I’ll be sure to update you periodically about the book.
Finally, I just want to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a holiday season full of love, gratitude and family.See you in 2015