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Holiday Gratitude 2013

Writer: Scott BehsonScott Behson

2013 was a very good year for Fathers, Work and Family. Thanks for making me feel like the Richest Man in Town, and for contributing to our important conversation about men and their work and family challenges.

Nick and I thank you for making FWF a success!

Nick and I thank you for making FWF a success!

The holiday season always makes me feel so grateful. I’m an amazingly lucky guy. Yes, I have worked hard and made some good decisions to get where I am in life. However, a LOT of what is good in my life is outside of my control. I was born into a loving family with great parents and a cool older sister. Nick is healthy and bright. I did nothing to earn that. I met Amy on a blind date- talk about outside factors shaping my life- and she has made my life so full and rich. I have a good job, with a good employer and good colleagues- I didn’t control most of that.

I try to make time every day to count my blessings. It’s just a better frame of mind to be in. I hope you have great time with your families this holiday season, and that we can all see beyond our troubles to the things for which we should be grateful.

A little over a year ago, I started this blog, not knowing what the public reaction would be. I feared a great big collective yawn.

I am eternally grateful that you gave me a chance and that you found the blog valuable enough to keep coming back. I believe we have started a community for those who support work-family balance for fathers and created a safe place where we can share and discuss ideas, advice and our stories.

Thank you for making FWF a success. Over 130 articles, over 1,400 blog followers, another 1000+ twitter followers, over 38,000 unique site visits, and a growing web presence. Also, regular

writing gigs at Harvard Business Review, Huffington Post, Good Men Project and Daily Plate of Crazy, as well as media appearances. Also, a book proposal and a literary agent! Most importantly, so many new friends and new friendly professional contacts. So much more than I could have ever reasonably expected. I’m overwhelmed. Thank you, and here’s to a great 2014!!!

Special thanks to:

  1. Inspiration: Amy Griffin and Nicholas Behson

  2. Guest Bloggers: Jason Swann, Aaron Gouveia, Oren Miller, Pat Katepoo, Neil Cohen, Joe Behson, Brian Shields, Erik Eddy, Theron Bostic, Noble McIntyre, Blake Friis, Chris Cottrell, Monique Valcour, Carter Gaddis

  3. Interviewees: Paul Mifsud, Mark Promislo, Jeremy Andersen, Cynthia Calvert

  4. Friendly Editors: Robert Duffer, Justin Cascio, Julia Kirby, Gint Aras, DA Wolf, Whit Honea, Liam Day, Joanna Schoeber

  5. Supportive Employer: Fairleigh Dickinson University

  6. Friends, Well-Wishers and Various Door-Openers: Too many to name, and I apologize for missing some folks but here goes- Monique Valcour, Giles Anderson, Anjannete Harper, Suzanne deJanasz, Kerri Smith-Majors, Brad Harrington, Jennifer Fraone, Julia Kirby, DA Wolf, Lisa Hickey, Nanette Fondas, Brigid Schulte, Emma Plumb, Katherine Harris, Jessica deGroot, John Kinnear, Jeff Tepper, Zach Rosenberg, Oren Miller, Jonathan Ervine and the guys from the Dad Bloggers group.

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