Dad’s home! After lots of other work (including at the U.N.), I’m back to blogging
Hi everyone, dad’s home!
Apologies for slowing down on providing blog content. I’ve been busy advocating for working dads, just not here at Fathers, Work and Family.
Here’s a quick roundup of what I’ve been up to, including presenting at the United Nations, writing for Harvard Business Review and Fast Company, and working with partners to advocate for working dads. Here are the highlights.
The United Nations
Last week, I was honored to participate at an official UN expert group meeting on family policy. I presented research on the importance of involved fatherhood for children, women, men and society, as well as how public policy, culture and business practice can enable more involved fatherhood. This event was great- academics, policy makers and advocates from all over the world coming together to discuss how we can strengthen families. Here are a few pictures and a link to my presentation (my part begins at about 45 minutes into the video).
Harvard Business Review
I’ve been busy working with HBR.org, and was featured on their latest podcast- the HBR Ideacast on How to Be a Work-Life Friendly Boss. The interview went great and there’s lots of good advice for working parents and their managers.
Be a #WorkLife-Friendly Boss: @skgreen interviews my friend @ScottBehson #podcast https://t.co/DmcY8ZeZnZ — Monique Valcour, PhD (@moniquevalcour) May 20, 2016
I also wrote two pieces for HBR Online:
Work-Life Balance Is Easier When Your Manager Knows How to Assess Performance This focuses on how managers can create the opportunity for better work-life balance if they do a better job doing performance reviews
Going Beyond the Book: Complying with Family-Friendly Policies Is Not Enough. I wrote this article with the awesome Julia Beck. It shows how companies benefit when they embrace work-life policy with authentic follow-through rather than grudging comply with legislation or belatedly play catch-up.

Two of my recent HBR articles
Fast Company
My first piece in Fast Company’s “Second Shift” section that focuses on work-family concerns. It’s a short, fun article on how we can send small signals in our workplace and networks to show our commitment to work-life balance.
One super-easy way to advocate for parental leave: https://t.co/YBsNXbY8lZ by @ScottBehson via @FastCompany — Amanda Dews (@ADeeMarketing) April 18, 2016
Success Magazine
I was extensively quoted in this short, smart piece on work-life balance for dads in success magazine, 6 Ways to Be a Better Parent.

Work-family balance tips for men from Success magazine
Partnerships in Advocacy
I’m working with the It’s Working Project to collect the work-life stories of my fellow dads. IWP uses these stories to highlight how businesses can better support working parents. Please share your story here.
I’m also working with Care.com on their Father’s day survey of working dads. Please fill out their survey here (if you do, you are entered for a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card).
I’m on the advisory board for the New America Foundation’s Paid Family Leave Database, so we can track which employers offer which policies, providing positive peer pressure for employers to step up.
I’m working with the US Department of Labor on how we can better spread the word about New Jersey’s Paid Family Leave Insurance Program.
Finally, about a month from now, I will be participating in a day of outreach and education on Capitol Hill, advocating for public policy that will help support working families. More news on this soon.
Again, my apologies for neglecting this blog- I won’t disappear for so long again. Fear not, dad’s home. But please know that when I do take some breaks, I am out there advocating for dads.
The Fathers, Work and Family facebook page is probably the best place for frequent updates- my writing, articles from others, plus updates of my advocacy work. And, of course, I’m still out there selling books.

Another satisfied reader of The Working Dad’s Survival Guide